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Desired Attribute

내일을 생각하며 생동하는 인재 Preparation - 현재와 미래를 항상 준비하는 사람, Right - 사명감과 책임감으로 정도를 지키는 사람, Creation - 새로운 것을 창조하여 혁신을 이루는 사람
  • Benefit package

    Basic policy
    Pension plan, 4 social security insurance
    Education support
    Financial aid for children’s education
    Financial support
    Housing expense
    The others
    Dormitory, cafeteria
    Reward policy
    Rewarding long-term employees
    Personal support
    Education activity, overseas training
  • Employment

    02 전형절차
    document, practical interview, professional interview
    03 제출서류
    application form, employment history (experienced applicants only), certificate copy, certificate of resident registration
    04 승진제도
    Junior employer, senior employer, supervisor, manager, head of department
    05 인사고과 제도